Its a hard knock life: Hang in there 90's babies.

 Just some raw unadulterated content thrown out here today, 

I recently posted a saved tik tok video on IG. 

" I think between age 21-29 is a phase of hustle, suffering and smiling, depression, overthinking, wondering whether you'll achieve and make it in life. 90's babies hope ya' ll alright, you will be okay someday. Hang in there, don't lose hope. 

Everything will be okay." 

Surprisingly and not surprisingly the video caught some attention and I noticed a trend of people reacting, whether it was a "same" or "100s" reaction. These people were within the age group of 21 to 29 and even a few between 30-32, because ideally these people too are " 90's babies". I realised that they too resonated with these words while I languished in my own self pity. So why not write about it, I thought? There's no way to explain the weird feelings you feel during this phase, trust me, I googled it.

Its easy to get swayed by engagement shoots, promotions, babies, businesses and even new cars when looking at others. Its normal, we're human and the brain is programmed as such, to want to feel included, at the same place that everyone is in. Cue the overthinking and wondering. Its tough seeing your peers or even friends younger than you persevering and moving forward while you feel stuck. An age old pattern of jealousy, fear, disdain and even hopeless as you watch from the sidelines. Now if you're thinking I'm this sad jealous fuck then you're in the wrong place. If you read this article, you'll understand that sometimes people feel a certain way and there is fine line between depression and being generally jealous. A complex, informational topic for another time. Moving on... 

We all want something and sometimes it may not be the right time or you're not in the right circumstances while you get these "go-getters" who preach the positivity and good vibes, which too, is cool but while you're busy, trying to survive another day, it can be pretty hard to plan meditation sessions let alone find your soulmate, save for retirement, buy your first home or even move out.  

If there are a few things I've learnt over the last year or 2, between a pandemic and losing my drive to live: 

  • everything has its own time 
  • you have to work a bit for what you want. The wine bottle will not walk to you. 
  • if you don't speak up, you'll die from asphyxiation.
  • do little things that make you happy, drink the wine. Listen to your favourite song.
  • in between doing all of this, let time run its course while you figure out who you are.

There is a lot of fucking pressure to be somebody, especially in your 20's, but honestly most of that pressure is coming from yourself. Tik Tok videos of people getting their shit together, motivational or not, remember, its your life and what you make of it. I don't have the answers but the truth is, I don't think anyone does whether they're 25 or 95. I'd like to say that life isn't about having the perfect bank account or finding the love of your life, but who am I kidding? You probably have this at the back of your mind, and that too is okay. Its all about what you do with those thoughts and whatever you choose to do, remember to be kind to yourself in the process. 

There's no way right way to live your life. There's no way to achieve everything you want in your life if you don't know what you're searching for and honestly its also okay if you don't know what that is. Your path will reveal itself. Live each day as it comes and learn. Learn to understand what you want and you'll get there. Life will fall into place and just like the quote above said, you'll be okay. Hang in there 90's babies. 


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