Wondrous Wonder Woman: A Movie Review

Heeeeeeey everyone!

So I managed to catch a screening of Wonder Woman this weekend and it was spectacular!

Honestly, I was seriously nervous and went in without much expectation knowing almost 0 about what the story-line would bring apart from the majestic trailers and theatrical posters released, I was pleasantly surprised around 120 minutes later walking out the theatre.

So in spoiler free fashion here's a quick review of the movie and a few reasons I'd advise you to get viewing:

  • Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman does have an origin story and this is it! One of many reasons being we get a peak into her life before she became girl wonder. It explores her home, her "birth" and adolescent lifestyle before departing the beautiful Thermiscyra to explore her destiny.
  • Wonder Woman has much to do with Greek mythology. If you're into that then it's a must watch and if you're not fear not, the movie does not dwell too much in it however does hold much prominence in a few key characters.
  • Harry Potter fans will see a familiar face; David Thewlis aka Remus Lupin our beloved Werewolf playing a prominent part in a small but important duration of the movie. 
  • The movie takes place in World War 1, a time in which "Wonder Woman" first makes an appearance. If your question is when and how did Diana Prince become Wonder Woman then this movie is your answer.
  • There's tons of action. Gal Gadot's training regime comprised of a number of dedicated hours per day in which her transformation took place. She served a period of training in her defense force for Israel, her country of birth. Gal was actually pregnant for a small duration of shooting! Now that's some serious real life Wonder Woman ish! 
  • Romance abound, chemistry sparks between Steve Trevor and Diana Prince. Chris Pine has definitely come a long way since his Princess Diaries days and depicts the perfect opposite for Gal with his character as Steve Trevor; an American Spy who's been sent to Germany to retrieve secrets and ends up being rescued by Diana.
  • If you're anything like myself and find weird parallels in things then you'll find a large likeliness in Captain America after watching Wonder Woman; the timing and a certain set of actions.
  • Strangely enough I find similarity in God Of War; the Playstation 2 and 3 game in which is deeply set in Greek mythology but still has bits of innovation thrown into the mix.
  • Feminists Unite. I can't stress enough the power of feminism portrayed in this movie for the right reasons,
So there, go to your nearest movie house and catch this flick with your girlfriends, family or your man, there's very little room for disappointment and even if you're not a superhero fan, it's still a movie to simply catch for beautiful dialogue, immaculate stunts and setting while maintaining an amazing level beautiful cinema! 

South African viewer's were lucky to receive complimentary Wonder Woman sunglasses if you booked at Ster Kinkekor IMAX 3D cinemas. Stocks are limited so get yourself to one near you!

Life Update:
It's been a while since I've gotten a blog post up, in my defense it's been one of those years where things don't necessarily go to plan and you don't really get to do the things you love. But alas, I'm back after studying a short course and completing my degree and while now having some time for myself I'd like to kick it back to good old blog posting and browsing for hours on end. If there's anything you'd like to read about, then feel free to drop me a good old comment. While that's in the mix I have a few more DIY's and perfume reviews coming up so keep ya eyes peeled!

Catch ya soon kitties!


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