The Long Wait..
Hello blog land. I'm a bad blogger. Well kind of... I'm not letting it go without explanation..
See the thing is I'm in the middle of exams, partial health issues and an amazing new activity at my job. My Life has actually been "Lifing" and it's never been better! If you know me personally you'll know my ever evolving struggle of wanting to be involved and necessary and for once in my life I am...
So that's the excuse for not blogging... which in turn made me miss hitting that publish button ever so much!
I just thought I'd pop in a little update for myself to look back on and for my wonderful friends and family that actually follow this blog! (Apologies for lack of posting but you people have actually seen me doing life recently!)
I do have my final exam for the semester in a few days. And I'm nervous yet so excited to be done so I can move on to my new gig for a while. Which also means more blogging in my other spare time!
More exciting news I'll be attending my first ever networking event at Pro Beauty on Monday in Durban which is amazing and I cannot wait to post about it... Beauty fundis.. Understand my excitement :-D
But that's all for now I guess until next week.
Have a great weekend kitties!
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