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Its a hard knock life: Hang in there 90's babies.

 Just some raw unadulterated content thrown out here today,  I recently posted a saved tik tok video on IG.  " I think between age 21-29 is a phase of hustle, suffering and smiling, depression, overthinking, wondering whether you'll achieve and make it in life. 90's babies hope ya' ll alright, you will be okay someday. Hang in there, don't lose hope.  Everything will be okay."  Surprisingly and not surprisingly the video caught some attention and I noticed a trend of people reacting, whether it was a "same" or "100s" reaction. These people were within the age group of 21 to 29 and even a few between 30-32, because ideally these people too are " 90's babies". I realised that they too resonated with these words while I languished in my own self pity. So why not write about it, I thought? There's no way to explain the weird feelings you feel during this phase, trust me, I googled it. Its easy to get swayed by engagement shoot...

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